Dear Hellenists,,
On Tuesday, February 16, instructional team will be observing your teamwork during class.
During our
observations, we'll take notes on how your team interacts.
Specifically, we'll be focused on the following questions:
- Is everyone engaged?
- Are questions being addressed by the team, where appropriate?
- Are explanations being offered along with answers?
- Is the team working together and leaving no one behind?
- Is the team discussing the answer key and any mistakes that were made?
We would appreciate your team interacting as it normally does so
that you and your peers can receive as honest an evaluation as
possible. We also know that this is hard to do, but we want you to try.
The goal of this evaluation is twofold:
(1) We want to offer your team feedback so it can operate most effectively.
With the first official peer review fast approaching, we want our
feedback to enable any teams with potential problems to turn them
Note that the evaluation your team ultimately
receives will be cast in general terms (that is, no names will be named)
and no part of this evaluation will impact anyone's grade. There are no
official points at stake here, only feedback from the instructional
If you have any questions about the upcoming peer review, please consult the following:
Please let me know if you have questions.