Our first midterm exam on Thursday, February 25, will have the following format.
(1) Declining nouns and adjectives:
I'll give you English noun-adjective pairs in the singular or plural, you give me the Greek forms in the four major cases. The adjectives must modify the nouns in case, number, and gender.(2) Jump drills:
A series of relatively short sequences in which you "jump" (change) one attribute of a verb form at a time, either person, number, tense, or mood.(3) Passage to translate:
A short passage of connected Greek prose, using vocabulary and grammar through chapter 9. Read it carefully and write out your translation.(4) Reading out loud (take-home portion, due Saturday, February 27, 11:00 p.m.):
Practice reading the midterm passage out loud: use Groton's textbook to help you determine vowel/consonant sounds and place accents. When you have perfected your reading, call my campus voice mail and read me the Greek over the phone.
NOTE: Please prepare for and complete this portion of the exam on your own. I'll supply a copy of the passage for you to practice on and mark up. (No, you do not have to memorize the passage. Yes, you can read from the copy.)
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For this exam, you'll be responsible for all concepts and vocabulary through ΑΩ Lesson 9.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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